Killara High School's Gifted and Talented Program caters for the distinctive intellectual and socio-emotional needs of gifted and talented students. This program provides students with suitable intellectual challenges and choice within an evnironment that encourages creative and analytical expression.
Students selected for this program of study engage with materials and activities that may be practical, abstract and/or theoretical in nature pertaining to a specific theme. This program aims to stimulate higher order learning by exploring contemporary, relevant issues within a multi-disciplinary framework.
Year 8 GAT Program 2019 EOI Letter (PDF 90KB)
GAT Student Testimonial: (DOC 14KB)
The GATS program has definitely been one of the highlights of this year. We’ve had the opportunity to do many things. We’ve a great class and teachers and many amazing programs. GATS teaches many exclusive topics that are unavailable in other areas of school. GATS has taught us to think outside the box, be independent, and probably most of all, organised. It is a one-time opportunity to learn something new and interesting.
We think that Year 8 2015 should apply for GATS because it gives them a great chance to learn about things normally taught in university courses, such as criminology, bioethics and psychology. It’s a great way to extend yourself beyond what you would normally experience in Year 8. The four assessment tasks we have done this year have been challenging but have helped to teach us how to research independently which in turn helped to deepen our understanding of these topics and gather our own information.
We strongly recommend GATS for anyone who likes to extend themselves and would like a nice challenge.
Amabel and Emesha – Year 8 2014