The Killara High School Honour System aims to recognise and reward students for their commitment and involvement across a broad spectrum of curricular and enrichment activities. Students can accumulate merit points and awards which are tallied throughout their Killara High School experience until they attain the highest level, an Honour Badge.
Promotion of the Merit System
The honour system is often promoted in year meetings and through home groups, particularly at the start of each year. Students hand their merit awards to their Year Advisers, who then record merit points for individual students. When a student has been awarded 10 Green Merit Cards they submit them to their Year Adviser to receive a Bronze award.
- The Year Adviser records this Bronze Award using the school's administrative software, Sentral Server.
- Once a student has collected three Bronze awards, they are handed to their Year Adviser, who will process a Silver award.
- This process also applies for students wishing to attain a higher level award. The award types are indicated below.
Other ways to achieve a Bronze Award
- Year Advisers, Head Teachers (KLA), Sports Organisers, Curriculum Enrichment teachers, Performing and Creative Arts teachers can issue Bronze Awards. Additionally, School Service or Student Leadership can lead to a Bronze Award. As before, students need to submit the Bronze Award to their Year Adviser for processing. Year Advisers will process the award and sign or stamp the back, and return it to the student.
- Merit Point Collection Cards. Near the end of Term Two and mid-Term Four all students will be issued a merit collection card in Home Group. Students will have a week (Merit Points Week) to obtain sign-off from the relevant teacher for curriculum enrichment activities they have participated in during that semester. It is then the student's responsibility to submit their completed cards to their Year Adviser by the deadline. Year Advisers record merit points for each student. This will be totalled on the form in number of Bronzes. Students may have extra Green Merit points left over, which they can cash in, in conjunction with Green Merit Cards, at a later date. For example, Bob's Merit Points Collection Card totals to 3 Bronzes +3 Merits. The year advisers enter 3 Bronzes on Sentral and when Bob gets another 7 merit cards he can claim another Bronze.
- Points from Student Progress Reports: Students are awarded merit points based on a student's ‘Overall Achievement' in each subject from their academic achievement on the semester one and two reports. These points contribute to the achievement of Silver or Bronze Awards.
Awards students can receive
Merit Award
- Issued by the classroom teacher
- Student takes ten merits to their Year Advisers who sign the back of the merits and hands them back to the student.
- Ten merits equate to a Bronze Award
Bronze Award
- May be issued by Year Advisers or Head Teachers (Academic), or Sports Organisers or organisers of curriculum enrichment activities, Performing and Creative Arts and School Service or Student Leadership.
- Issued at Year Meeting
- Students must hand merits to Year Advisers and entry is made on Sentral Server.
Silver Award
- Issued for achieving three Bronze Awards
- Students take Bronze Awards to their Year Adviser who signs the back. The Silver Award is recorded on Sentral Server.
- Silver Awards are issued at Stage Meetings.
Gold Award
- Issued for achieving two Silver Awards.
- Students take Silver Awards to Year Adviser who signs the back. Gold awards are then recorded on Sentral Server.
- Gold Awards are issued at Stage Meetings or Presentation Day.
Honour Badge
- Issued after achieving one additional silver after achieving a Gold Award.
- Students take their Gold and One Silver Award to their Stage Head Teacher who signs off and organises Honour Badge to be presented.
- Students can only achieve one Honour Badge in a year.
Honour Trophy
- A student receives an Honour Trophy if they have received four Honour Badges over time.
Honour Blue
- A student receives an Honour Pennant if they have received six Honour Badges.
Merit collection card
At the end of Term 2 and beginning of Term 4, students will also receive a Merit Collection Card, where they can get a variety of different points for extra-curricular activities and sports. Organising teachers will need to sign the card as proof of participation. These cards are then traded in for merit points in lieu of physical cards to the Year Adviser. It is the responsibility of the students, rather than the organising teachers or Year Advisers, for collating information on these activities and events. The activities included on the cards will include:
Sporting Activities
- Participating in a school sports carnival – 1 merit
- Age champions- School – Bronze
- Zone, Area, State, National, CHS Team- Bronze
- Knockout Team – 3 merits
- Grade Team- 2 merits per team
Curriculum Enrichment Activities
- PAE – 5 merits to possible Bronze depending on level of commitment
- Musical- Bronze
- Drama Ensemble - 2 merits
- Dance Ensemble – 2 merits
- DEAS- Bronze- 5 merits ; Silver, Gold Award- Bronze
- Mock Trial- 3 merits
- Debating- 3 merits
- Zonta, Lions Youth of the Year – Bronze
- Chess Club- 2 merits
Service Activities
- Student Leadership Council member- 5 merits
- Light and Sound- 5 merits to Bronze
- Peer Support- 3 merits
- TEALS Buddy- 3 merits
- Assistance at Gala Day, Open Day, Ekuba, Presentation Night, SPRM – 2 merits
- Maths, Science, English competitions- 1 merit
Academic Effort and Achievement
- Gold Sticker – as determined by the reports spread sheet and YA discretion
- Top 1-10 percentile range of the cohort receive a Silver award (at YA discretion for cut off)
- Top 11-25 percentile range of the cohort receive a Bronze award (at YA discretion for cut off)