Killara High School

Unleash Potential. Change the World.

Telephone02 9498 3722

City Country Alliance

Killara High School is proud to be part of the City Country Alliance. This is a unique organisation brings together city and country students and teachers for the purpose of shared understanding, opportunity and celebration. The common purpose is to achieve greater social inclusion and cohesion for all. One of the Alliance's initiatives is a longitudinal study, designed in collaboration with UWS, to measure the success of our intercultural learning.

KHS has had a relationship with Menindee Central School for some years, and is now looking to extend the links. Again in 2016 students will travel to MCS in November, and we hope to continue hosting Menindee students and staff during our NAIDOC Week celebrations. Our school foyer contains a wonderful collaborative artwork that students from both schools created.

In July 2015 KHS principal Jane Dennett and Science teacher Karen Meaney travelled to Menindee Central School and Lake Mungo as part of a visit suggested by the Hon Paul Fletcher, MP. Mr Fletcher and Jonathan O'Dea, member for Davidson, joined us with KSP principals Andrew Stevenson (LEPS) and Malcolm McDonald (BRPS), who shared their schools' experiences with their country partners. Schools from across Sydney and NSW, including Wiley Park GHS, Carlingford West PS, Greenacre PS, Masada College, Hunters Hill PS and HS, Narraweena PS, Broken Hill HS, Condoblin HS and Buronga PS shared this experience.

An important CCA program is the involvement of our students in the Mungo Youth Project:


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