Killara High School

Unleash Potential. Change the World.

Telephone02 9498 3722

Subject Outlines1

Stages 4 and 5 Course Information Booklet: Stages 4 and 5 Course Information Booklet (pdf 368 KB)

Year 7 English Outline:  Year 7 English Outline (pdf 82 KB)

Year 7 Mathematics Outline:   Year 7 Mathematics Outline (pdf 91 KB)

Year 7 Science Outline:  Year 7 Science Outline (pdf 86 KB)

Year 7 PDHPE Practical Outline: Year 7 PDHPE Practical Outline (pdf 81 KB)

Year 7 PDHPE Theory Outline: Year 7 PDHPE Theory Outline (pdf 87 KB)

Year 7 History Outline:  Year 7 History Outline (pdf 98 KB)

Year 7 Geography Outline:  Year 7 Geography Outline (pdf 87 KB)