Killara High School is proud to be part of the City Country Alliance. This is a unique organisation which brings together city and country students and teachers for the purpose of shared understanding, opportunity and celebration. Each year a Student Leaders’ Summit is held, developing student awareness of inclusivity and cohesion.
KHS has had a relationship with Menindee Central School for some years, and is now looking to extend the links. Each November students will travel to MCS in November, and we hope to continue hosting Menindee students and staff during our NAIDOC Week celebrations. Our school foyer contains a wonderful collaborative artwork that students from both schools created.
An important CCA program is the involvement of our students in the Mungo Youth Project. Each year students visit Mungo National Park, for the purpose of connecting a cross-section of school communities in NSW that have unique cultural, religious, geographical and socio-economic backgrounds. The project brings students together with Aboriginal Elders, scientists, landholders, teachers and students across NSW sharing a mutual experience to connect through Indigenous stories, scientific studies, exploration and through the visit of the birthplace and graves of Mungo people 40,000 years ago.
Read about the UWS Challenging Racism Project, which studied the CCA