"...the first message I am privileged to write for the school journal..."
A message from Killara High School’s first Principal:
“Our School has opened with an enrolment of 480 pupils in three forms and fourteen classes.
The appreciation shown by the children of the modern buildings and pleasant grounds is a firm foundation on which they will now create a prestige school based on their enthusiasm, their academic ability and the commendable send of community responsibility.
The School Council recently elected by the pupils is now discussing, among other matters of school government, the selection of a badge and motto…..
I am confident that this – the first message I am privileged to write for the school journal – will be the precursor of many, each expressing more pleasure in the achievements and progress of our Killara High School.”
Principal of Killara High School, 1970
Source: The Killara High School News, April 1970. Published by the Killara High Parents & Citizens’ Association.

During February, inaugural meetings were held for the Provisional Parents & Citizens’ Association and the Ladies’ Auxiliary.
KHS was the first high school to be built in the Gordon electorate.
In 1970, seven classes, together with the new intake, were for the first time, housed in their own buildings.
In 1970, Blocks A (Administration) and C (Amenities) were ready for occupancy.
In 1970, Block B was in the process of the completion.
In 1970, the 1st Principal of KHS was Mr Hornibrook. He wrote his 1st Principal’s message in The Killara News in April, 1970.
In 1970, the KHS school badge and motto was presented to the P&C Association.
The first time the KHS P&C general meeting was held on the new school site was on February 17th, 1970.
The KHS Ladies Auxiliary had held their first meeting for 1970 on 10th February. There were one hundred and twenty guests present, and many offers of assistance.
In 1971, KHS presented its first candidates for the School Certificate.
A scheme was initiated in 1971 at KHS which involved six senior pupils in the administration and running of the school. These students were elected as Fourth Form [year 10] Representatives. They assisted in the running of assemblies, were responsible for the conduct on buses, and played a large part in keeping the buildings and grounds tidy.
In 1971, Block D was completed at the end of 1971.
In 1971, the first edition of The Green Years was published, aimed at providing KHS with a major source of the history of the school.
In 1972, a Junior The Red Cross group was started. One of the Red Cross’s field officers showed films and addressed students interested about the work of the Red Cross. An inaugural meeting was held, with 72 KHS students.
Some of the activities for the year included:
- a display of biscuits, cakes and jams for the annual Red Cross Exhibition in the Town Hall
- a toffee and cake day to raise funds for the new club at KHS
- donations of hand-painted and dressed toys for two children’s homes
- donations to the Spastic Centre’s annual fete.
Eight KHS students spent a Saturday at the children’s home at Cronulla, and further visits planned to the girls’ home at Bowral. They also were involved in a new pilot scheme aimed at bringing together overseas students and Australian students, especially to give students opportunity to meet Australians families in their homes.
In 1972, there were fifth form classes [year 11] for the first time.
In 1972, these ‘firsts’ occurred at KHS: a family barbecue; a dinner dance (for parents); and a student’s dance.
In 1973, KHS presented the first candidates for the HSC in 1973.
In 1973, the first Rotary Exchange student arrived from the United States.
In 1973, for the first time, there was a plan for KHS to be used as a polling booth on November 17, for the State Elections.
In 1974, Block E was occupied for the first time.
In 1974, KHS began being used as an evening college.
In 1974, KHS held their swimming carnival at Lane Cove pool for the first time. Sport houses were reallocated and two new houses were introduced.
In 1974, KHS had six fairly experienced male singers who were part of KHS Choral singers. They performed at the annual Choral Festival, which was at the Opera House in 1974. Two of the male singers were tenors and the other four were basses. They sang Carmina Burana by Karl Orff, and Gloria by Vivaldi.
In 1975, the house [part of KHS’s buildings until recently] was first used for debating, weightlifting, rehearsals and storage of theatrical props.
In 1975, there were new Modern and Ancient History syllabuses implemented in Form 5 [year 11]. This included the addition of Middle Eastern topics in Ancient History, and World History from 1953 to the present day in Modern History.
In 1975, Senior Textiles and Design began at KHS.
In 1975, KHS became the first high school ever to hold 3 important debating trophies:
1. The Teasdale Cup won by the 1974 Teasdale team.
2. The National Times Debating Trophy won by the NSW Debating team of which a Form 6 [year 12] KHS female student was a member
3. The Watoto Shield won by Form 3 [year 9] boys in the 1975 City of Sydney Eisteddfod.
In 1975, for the first time, the Swimming Carnival was conducted in two parts – the heats in the day, and the finals at night. The night carnival had parents and staff officiating. To complete the evenings events, a display of synchronized swimming with four 4th form (year 10) KHS students.
In April 1975, the State Swimming Carnival was held over two days, and for the first time, this was a combined girls and boys carnival. A number of KHS students competed at the carnival.
In 1975, for the first time, allowances were made for the less fit and/or inclined in the School Cross Country race, thus accommodating all levels of ability. “There were some fine runs, even those who went the wrong way or turned down the wrong street, and so increasing the distance by 2 miles, came home smiling.” [The KHS news June 1975]
In 1975, for the first time, the following sports were being offered:
For boys:
- Water polo
- Diving
- Archery
- Badminton
- Weight-training
For girls:
- Archery
- Badminton
- Life-saving
- Synchronised Swimming
- Rowing
In 1975, the KHS Cadet Unit staged their first ‘Trooping of the Colour’, and the Non-Commissioned Officers received their stripes.
In 1976, female KHS students were able to wear winter slacks during the winter months.
In 1976, KHS ex-students held their first function in the form of a ‘wine and cheese’ afternoon/evening. It was held at the house at a cost of $1 per head.
1976 was the first year that year 12 students sitting for the HSC were confronted with the new Unit System. All students who have satisfactorily followed courses in the senior years, received a Higher School Certificate, with their subjects listed by a system of grading. With the School Certificate, all students would be graded for each subject at the same level, but within the range of 1-10.
1976 was the first year that male students studied Textiles in 1st Form [year 7], and senior boys studied senior Textiles and Design.
In 1976, the subject of Technics was introduced to KHS. Some of the ‘lobes of study’ included: metalwork basic, woodwork basic, power mechanics, leather work, cabinet work, building construction, electricity, sheet metalwork, and art Metalwork.
In 1976, KHS won the Zone Swimming Carnival for the first time.
In 1976, KHS entered a 1st Form team [year 7] in the Saturday morning Girls’ Hockey Competition.
1977 was the first year first year KHS had ex-students who were university graduates.
In 1977, KHS for the first time joined other Northside High schools in displaying art works at the Hornsby Shire’s Society’s Exhibition at Pennant Hills Community Centre in early August.
In 1977, KHS held their 1st Annual Student Exhibition of art works. It was held in the house at the end of Term 3, 1977. Parents and visiting primary schools as well as KHS students viewed the exhibition.
In 1977, for the first time the HSC results would be a composite result based on 50% of the examination marked gained at the HSC examination, and 50% of the School estimate. The school estimate was the mark which the school predicts for a candidate’s performance at the examination. It was not the same thing as a school assessment. These school estimates were adjusted by the Examination Branch to provide comparability between the estimates provided by the school throughout the State. The composite mark of the two results were then subjected to scaling procedures to obtain the final mark for the candidate in the subject.
In 1977, a photographic club commenced under the patronage of a teacher from the Art Department, and a teacher from the Social Science Department. The first major project of the club was a photographic competition open to all school members. Prizes were awarded, and a selection of photographs would appear in the school magazine. By November 1977, the club hoped to obtain a dark room for 1978, and hopes were underway for several projects, including the video taping of the 1977 school musical Bye Bye Birdie.
In 1977, two senior Prefects for KHS were elected – one male and one female student.
In 1978, KHS held its 10th anniversary. To commemorate this, a 10th Anniversary Dinner was held at 7.30 pm on Monday 25th September 1978, at the Willoughby Town Hall. The function was organised by a committee with representatives of the P&C, the Ladies Auxiliary, staff, ex-parents and ex-students. The dinner was the school’s first major reunion of people involved with KHS.
In 1978, KHS held their first Japanese festival. It was a small festival with the co-operation of the Japanese mothers and guests. It was aimed at giving students a taste of the Japanese festive spirit, and to motivate the students to use their Japanese language, as well as sampling Japanese food and music etc. In the weeks leading up to the event, students made origami and cards to sell on stalls, and prepared acts for the concert held in the stage room. A tea ceremony was performed by a group of Japanese ladies who attend the Tea Ceremony regularly at a tea-house in Epping. A young Australian guest played the ‘koto’, a traditional Japanese instrument at intervals. Japanese mothers made various kinds of Japanese foods such as yakitori (chicken on skewers); onigiri (rice balls); kushidango (rice dumplings); chirashizushi (vingared rice with prawns etc); and okonomiyaki (Japanese omelette). Some students wore kimonos, and six Japanese exchange students from other schools joined KHS for the afternoon.
In 1978, KHS initiated a political forum for year 12 students (year 11 were meant to be at the forum also, but due to space constraints they were unable to attend the assembly). Representatives from the major political parties attended an assembly which was held on Monday 31st July. Each representative addressed the students, giving a brief history of their party, and a summary of their party’s philosophy and platform.
Representatives came from the following parties:
- The Australian Labor Party
- The Australian Democratic Party
- The Communist Party of Australia
- The Liberal Party
- The National Country Party
Due to the success of this forum, it was aimed to make this an annual event.
In 1978, a School Musicale evening was inaugurated and performed at the St Ives HS assembly hall. The musical activities of KHS and its feeder primary schools were merged, and a program was produced.
In 1978, the Ku-ring-gai Toastmasters’ Club offered to conduct a youth leadership course. The first course of its kind at KHS involved tuition in the art of public speaking, and was to be held out of school hours in the school house, with skilled instructors. It was an eight week course, and included how to prepare an agenda, conduct meetings and make speeches. The purpose was to allow students to gain a degree of maturity when they are called to ‘say a few words’.
In 1978, Technics became a subject for the School Certificate.
In 1978, KHS started a history club with participation of 50 students from years 7-10. One of their activities was being involved with a history supplement for the school magazine.
In 1978, a photographic club commenced, with the aim to promote interest in photography, and allow student to exchange ideas on both a technical and artistic basis. The club was organised under the patronage of a KHS Art staff member and a KHS Social Science staff member.
In 1979, a Language Festival was held for the first time.
In 1979, the introduction of Peer Counselling of year 7 students by some of KHS year 11 students commenced.
In 1979, the first recipient of the Principal’s Prize for Composition was a year 11 KHS music student, who was awarded the prize at KHS’s Annual Speech Night.
In 1979, the first KHS student to be on a student exchange with KHS’s sister school in Kumamoto High School in Japan was a year 12 KHS female student.
In 1979, the Art Department [now part of the Creative and Performing Arts faculty (CAPA] inaugurated their new 1 Unit course called “Creative Ceramics”.
In 1979, the English Department at KHS established a school drama club.
In 1979, the first KHS school team won the Zone Rugby Premiership in 11 years of competition. They won 32-4 against North Sydney after being scoreless for almost 20 minutes.
In 1979, a new year 7 Music Syllabus was implemented at KHS, which led to the development of a two-year module covering the junior school (years 7-8).
In 1979, a Percussion Ensemble was formed at KHS, with many new instruments purchased by the P&C.
In 1979, a new Zone Sport organisation was introduced. To allow year 12 boys to complete summer competition, and not interfere with exam preparation, summer sport from 1979 began in Term III and concluded in Term I, the following year.
In 1979, new resources at the KHS Lion Library were purchased for the new Australian History course which was introduced into the HSC syllabus.
In 1979, a meeting was held for the first time in KHS Lion Library for all the librarians in the Gordon Inspectorate – from independent and state schools, primary feeder schools and the Ku-ring-gai libraries.
In 1979, for the first time, KHS invited year 6 students from their feeder primary schools, to visit for a morning of high school lessons. On three mornings, between 60-70 year 6 primary children visited KHS. They were broken into class groups and each group had 4 lessons, following a special timetable worked out for them by the subject masters. Their primary school teachers were with them during lessons.
In 1979, a female KHS student was the first student from KHS to win an exchange scholarship to Germany in December 1979. She was one of 25 students chosen across Australia.
In 1980, the first year 10 Work Experience program was organised by KHS. All year 10 students participated. During April 1980, students had to find their own job, and were helped if they could not do so themselves. Employers were given a ‘letter of introduction’, which outlined the Work Experience Scheme, and informed them of insurance coverage, and Industrial Relations and Technology Regulations etc. The program was evaluated by the employer, parent, student and school.
In 1980, the KHS U/15 Rugby team were the first team to win a Rugby Premiership from KHS. They were also a semi-finalist of the State Knockout Buchan Shield.
In 1980, the first group of ‘Z’ students in French and German began. This was a two-year program for beginners taking up a foreign language study in year 11. There was an emphasis on developing speaking and reading skills.
1981 was the first time that KHS’s Home Economics Department implemented the 3 Unit Syllabuses in Home Science and in Textiles and Design.
1981 was the first year the Physical Education Department [now the PDHPE Faculty] became a separate Department at KHS. Year 7 KHS students were divided into three mixed boys and girls groups for PE lessons. The introduction of a Basic Skills program, one period per week was also introduced for all year 7 students. It was aimed as a link between primary and high school, with emphasis on basic movements common to many sports e.g. hand-eye, foot-eye coordination, balance and control over body movements.
In 1981, KHS School Band was formed.
In April 1982, KHS held their first speech night at Willoughby Town Hall. The guest speaker was a female ex-student who attended KHS from 1970-1975. She was the first female Rhodes Scholar to be appointed for NSW, and was about to go to Oxford University in October 1982 as the Commonwealth Rhodes Scholar, where she was to complete a two-year scholarship, studying for a PhD in the field of haematology. The Town Hall was completely filled. (As women had only been permitted to apply for the scholarship since 1977, and only a few have been successful, this Rhodes Scholar was hoping that more women would be successful in the future to also achieve this Scholarship.)
1982 was the first time that KHS had School Captains. The elections had been held in December 1981. This in turn was thought to also perhaps signify the first establishment of the Prefect Body as an essential element in the life of the school. Twenty-four prefects chose the School Captains, and two other students were chosen as the Senior Prefects. The main project for the prefects in 1982 was to be the restoration of the ecology area at the school; and the maintenance of KHS’s World Vision program, though which KHS students support six children in Ecuador, Taiwan, the Philippines, Nigeria and Guatemala.
In 1982 the Prefect Election was held just before the August vacation and a group of year 11 student were elected prefects for the ensuing year. A feature of the election was that for the first time, equal numbers of boys and girls were elected.
A KHS female ex-student became the first woman swimmer to receive a full athletic and study scholarship to George Washington University in Washington DC. She also became the first woman on the college’s swimming team.
In November 1984, the first contingent of KHS’s German students left Australia for a three month stay in Germany. Five female KHS students were participating in the Australian-German Student Exchange Program and were billeted with families for three months in southern Germany. It was anticipated in early 1985 their host friends would come to Australia for a return three month stay.
In 1984, a KHS student, was Captain of the school’s 1st XV Rugby team, Captain of the Ku-ring-gai Zone XV, Captain of New South Wales High School’s 1st XV, and the first student of KHS to be selected in an Australian Schoolboys team in any sport.
In 1984, KHS’s 1st XV Rugby team became the first undefeated team in the school’s history by winning the Zone competition. They were also the Ku-ring-gai Premiers in 1983. One of their team members, was a KHS student, who was the first to be selected to represent Australia vs. Japan, and Australia vs. New Zealand. He also won the NSW CHS – Honour Blue – Rugby, the First Blue ever won by a KHS student. He also was KHS Sportsman of the Year in 1984.
In 1984, a KHS School Council was established at KHS. The motivation for this came from the students. The 1984 Prefects devised a draft constitution for the Council, and set up the basic organisation for the inauguration of the Council. They also conducted an extensive publicity campaign to inform the School Community about the Council and to arouse enthusiasm for it.
1985 saw the introduction of the new Internal Assessment Scheme for the Higher School Certificate. All year 11 (1985) students had been issued with a handout detailing how their assessment will be determined.
In 1985, a year 12 HSC KHS student came first in the State in Home Science, and was awarded maximum marks in both 2 and 3 unit courses.
1985 was the inaugural year of the Student Council which consists of four representative from each of the years, and a Sports Captain from each House. In the first year, they made a significant contribution to the family barbecue and to the preparation of the School Magazine.
In 1985, the school orchestra gave its first public performance at the school barbecue.
In 1986, KHS’s prefects continued their support of the charity, Stewart House. This included assisting at the annual Stewart House concert at the Town Hall, visiting Stewart House, and helping at the annual general meeting. KHS prefects’ efforts were rewarded when they were presented with the Roy Reidy Cup in recognition of KHS’s support as the school who had raised the most money for them. This was the first time KHS had won this award.
In 1986, a submission for an approved course in Creative Textiles was accepted, and the first intake of KHS students began this course.
In 1987, in the first issue of the KHS news for 1987 – which was in March, KHS’s new school Principal, Michael Gold was welcomed.
In 1987, the first boy’s team from KHS to win a hockey premiership was Open B Hockey.
In 1988, the study of the Chinese language (Mandarin) was added to Japanese, German and French.
In 1988, KHS entered the Rock Eisteddfod for the 1st time.
In 1988, a KHS ex-student, and great grandson of the founder of the company Bruce & Walsh, (Sydney jewellers since 1902), returned from Switzerland as an honours graduate in watch industry management at the CFH institute. He started in the firm with the handcrafting of gold, the study of gemmology and subsequently entered the management field. He was the 1st winner of a bursary to the institution granted by Swiss watchmaker Raymond Weil, of Geneva. He was chosen because of his dedication to the jewellery trade, presentation and his ambitions. On return to Australia in 1988, he was to complete his studies for an Australian Managerial Diploma.
For the first time, KHS male students were involved in dance events. Some were volunteers at the Rock Eisteddfod, while others danced in a sequence in the school’s musical, Guys and Dolls.
1989 saw the introduction of a new Economics Syllabus for Year 11, which followed through into year 12 in 1990. Also, the new Geography Syllabus was being taught to year 12, 1989 for the first time.
In 1989, both year 9 and year 11 economics students saw the Coca-Cola’s plant in operation during fieldwork. As a consequence, one of KHS students appeared in a new advertisement.
In 1989, the inaugural year 12 ‘Ekuba’ was held.
In 1989, KHS had its first international food fair. Parents and teachers supported one another to make this function a success.
In 1989, a male KHS student, won the first ‘Sale of the Century’ student championship on the Channel 9 TV series. He was the first student in NSW to win the championship since it began 1987. He won over $50,000 worth of prizes. He also won an Amigo computer system valued at $6,990.00 that was to be used for graphic design work in the school’s arts, industrial arts and textiles courses.
In 1989, KHS HSC students became the first Metropolitan North pupils to receive portfolios. Issued by the Board of Secondary Education, the portfolios provide students with a record of their school achievements to present to employers. Each portfolio contains the certificates and credentials the student gained at school and suggestions for preparing a resume, a job application and dealing with interviews.
For the first time at KHS, no School Athletics Carnival was held, due to wet weather.
In 1990, a new senior course called ‘Society and Culture’ was introduced in the Social Science Department.
1990 saw the start of the Year 7 dance group at KHS.
In 1990, a KHS trialled a new welfare program, where older students assisted younger students with their studies. The first group were those year 7 students identified as needing assistance with their English. Year 10 and 11 students volunteered to give up one lunchtime a week to help these students.
In 1991, the new subject, Computing Studies was introduced at KHS.
In 1991, a Native Speakers course in Japanese was introduced for year 11 students at KHS.
In 1991, a year 12 KHS student scored 50/50 in 3 Unit Chinese in the HSC. This score had never been achieved before in the State.
In 1991, year 12 KHS students prepared for the HSC subject Society and Culture for the first time. Students were required to present Personal Interest Projects (PIPs) on a topic of interest to them, and were as diverse as homeless people and intercultural differences.
In 1991, year 11 and 12 economics students entered the inaugural Economics Competition organised by the University of NSW. Three KHS students were among 25 students from NSW who received High Distinction Certificates.
In 1991, 110 students of dance, drama and music attended the inaugural Killara High Performing Arts Camp at Collaroy. The aim of the camp was to bring students together as a cohesive group; to develop and refine skills; and to prepare for presentation night and other public performances. A ‘Concert-On-The Move’ was performed by all the students at the conclusion of the camp.
At the end of 1991, a ‘link’ was established with Macquarie University. KHS was chosen as the first school in what the university hoped would become an extensive network. The aim was to facilitate visits, in both directions, so that for example, a professor from the University would come to the school to talk to senior students of English and Drama about Shakespeare. Through this ‘link’, various initiatives were taken, including an Opportunities for Girls day at the University; and visits by university staff for the Boys in Balance project. A work-party from each organisation was set up, and both parties met and set up initiatives for 1992.
In 1991, Computing Studies was introduced for students in year 11.
In 1991, an innovative project for talented students called Visions ’91, was conceived by the Art Department [now the Creative and Performing Arts Department (CAPA)]. It was taken up by students and teachers in Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Computing and English.
In 1991, KHS started working towards creating a Resource Room from which a variety of support programs could emanate for students with learning difficulties.
The Kerrabee Centre, KHS’s multi-purpose centre, was designed by former a KHS student and university medalist in architecture. As a jointly funded school community project, the construction of the Kerrabee Centre was the first of its kind in NSW. A building committee compromising staff and parents was formed in 1992 to oversee the planning, tendering, supervision and completion of the facility.
In 1992, two KHS students – one from year 9 and one from year 11, were selected in the first Metropolitan North Region Dance Ensemble. They were invited to perform at the McDonalds Sydney Eisteddfod’s Gala Evening among other prestigious events.
In 1992, the English Department formed ‘The English Club’. This was set up for students to meet to discuss, write, produce, direct, edit or be involved in English related activities. Two groups formed – one on Mondays and another on Wednesdays.
In 1992, Business Studies was offered to year 11 for the first time at KHS.
Electronics – a technics subject – was introduced into year 8 at KHS in 1992.
1992 saw the first group of HSC candidates in Computing Studies. At KHS there were two year 12 classes with three classes that followed in year 11.
- Year 11 students learnt how to use a database, a word processor, a spreadsheet, a modem and a printer, as well as simple programming skills. It also looks at the social implications of computers.
- Year 12 had a choice of four out of seven options. Both classes studied electronic spreadsheets, computers and communications. One class chose computer graphics and database systems as their other options, while the other class chose computer-controlled systems and further programming
In 1992, two new courses for year 11 students commenced at KHS – Legal Studies and Business Studies
KHS’s annual musical, which was Little Shop of Horrors in 1993, was the first musical staged in the new Kerrabee Theatre.
1993 saw the first year KHS entered the Tournament of Minds, an Australia-wide competition. Seven students from years 7-9 were given six weeks to prepare creative solutions to one of three long-term problems. The problems categories from which they choose were: Language, Literature, Social Sciences or Maths – Engineering. They presented their findings at Macquarie University.
In 1993, KHS’s mixed choir was invited to sing with the Ku-ring-gai Philharmonic Orchestra for the first time.
In 1994, KHS’s A’s basketball team won the school sport grand final for the first time in this decade. The team consisted of six year 11s and one year 10 student. In the final, they toppled Knockout Champions, Carlingford.
In 1994, KHS students entering year 11 were the first to study the new course Computing Studies.
1994 was the first year for the Elective Dance course. Students in this course gained a Highly Commended rating in the School Groups Jazz Section at the prestigious McDonald Performing Arts Challenge. Their dance, Colours of Culture was a team effort, with all members contributing to the choreography.
In 1994, the Design and Technology course for year 11 commenced. Students made art display stands.
In 1994, KHS initiated the “Keep-in-touch” program as an addition to KHS’s Welfare Program. It was initiated by concerned parents and teachers, working with the Community Liaison Officer in the Metropolitan North Region. The purpose of the program was:
- to implement and maintain effective channels of communication between the school community and the families who are from overseas
- to provide support to students who are living in homes without the close support of parents or other adults
This program was made possible by the financial support of some Taiwanese families.
In 1994, KHS’s first year 12 Hebrew class commenced.
In 1994, the decision was made to restructure the school day with a four-period day.
In 1995, 3 Unit Computer Studies course commenced for the first time at KHS.
In 1995, a Technology Task Force was established.
In 1995, a new course for ESL students in year 9 was introduced. Called Studies in Society/ESL – this course was an updated course of Australian Language and Culture. This course continued into year 10 and students gained credit for it in the School Certificate.
In 1995, the LOTE faculty welcomed a famous calligrapher to KHS. The calligrapher was one of the top 300 calligraphers who were invited to exhibit their works on Chinese calligraphy & seal and Carvings in Beijing’s Great Hall. He demonstrated various Chinese writing and showed off his wonderful collection of seals to junior classes.
In 1995, Macquarie University Open Day offered year 9 KHS German students the opportunity to participate in many language-orientated activities, including:
- Language and culture quiz
- Realia quiz
- Poster and cake decorating competition
KHS won a section of the Poster Competition, which resulted in students receiving a bundle of prizes.
In 1995, the first HSC drama class performed a range of plays from the following:
- Lovers and foals, poets and soldiers – a collection of 15th Italian Theatrical pieces in the Commedia Dell ‘Arte style
They also performed their original HSC group pieces and individual performance with some friends from Turramurra High School for parents and others.
In 1996, the first stages of computer networking KHS began.
In 1997, a Sports Committee was formed as part of the P & C Association. A new sports uniform was introduced and a system of recognition for student’s sporting achievements through certificates, medals and a School Sports Assembly.
In 1997, the P&C Association established a Past Students Association which had a couple of events.
In 1997, the KHS Prefects organised ‘Bandanna Day’ for the first time at KHS. They raised $1000 for ‘Canteen’ (The Australian Teenage Cancer Patients Society Ltd).
In 1997, the KHS Prefects supported a community activity – the first annual Sun Alliance Vertical Fun Run
In 1997, new Mathematics courses were implemented – Advanced, Intermediate and Standard for year 9
In 1997, for the first time, a group of KHS Science students participated in the Faraday Lecture. Twenty students from year 8 and 11 spent a morning at SCEGGS Redlands while SBS Television showed a lecture from England called “What’s the use of it, Mr Faraday”?, followed by the taping of a questions and answer session to a panel of experts. A year 11 KHS student asked KHS’s question about the application of electromagnetism to weapons. Other questions were also submitted by a number of KHS students.
1997 was the first year that the General Course in Computing Studies was offered at KHS. It was a more practical, less theoretical course, that provided students with the kinds of software they will need to use in a modern office.
In 1997, nine year 11 KHS students volunteered to take part in a new Young Achievement Australia Program. This was a joint business venture between KHS students and ten Cromehurst students. Their aim was to jointly form a company, design and make a product, successfully market and sell it, and, in the process, learn how to properly run a business. This was a six-month trial program.
In 1998, an antibullying policy was being developed. At the School Development Day, teachers and parents heard the results of a survey of years 7 and 11 students on the incidence of bullying and teasing at school. An Educational Consultant provided results of academic research into this area and assisted in the development of skills. Student Council members, parents and staff worked together to develop this policy.
In 1998, a new merit system was trialled, in order to overcome inequities and ensure that all students are rewarded for all aspects of their school life.
In 1998, a new program called “Living in Harmony” was developed especially for year 7 students at KHS. This was a one-day program with small group sessions led by year 11 students. Some were single-sex groups and others were mixed groups. A variety of issues were explored.
In 1998, one of KHS’s language staff was invited by the Board of Studies to take part in formulating the news descriptions for the new Chinese syllabus which would be implemented in 2001.
In 1998, KHS students were the first state school students to travel by train to the Olympic venue for their athletics carnival.
In 1998, a new grade sport commenced – ‘Ultimate Frisbee’.
In 1998, a new music conductor for the Killara High Concert Band arrived at KHS.
In 1999, KHS was the only school to be honoured with the visit by Her Serene Highness Princess Siriwanwaree, the Crown Princess of Thailand. She was accompanied by her father, the Crown Prince of Thailand. The 12-year-old Princess was herself in her first year of secondary school, which was located within the Royal Palace of Thailand. During her visit she was greeted by children around her own age, and it was planned that she would take part in two or three lessons. She was most impressed with the music and dance performances, and the year 12 Industry Studies class.
In 1999, implementation of new curricula in each year 11 course took place.
In 2000, KHS commenced with new year 9 School Certificate courses which included courses in Australian History and Geography, incorporating the concepts of Civics and Citizenship. All year 11 students commenced a new HSC course, which included newly designed courses, mainly of 2 Unit value.
In 2000, KHS, in keeping with the school’s commitment to the development of the whole child, individualised ‘Student Learning Support Plans’ were introduced. Students who were experiencing difficulty meeting classroom expectations, were supported in a positive manner to adapt appropriate learning behaviours.
In 2000, the Student Representative Council (SRC) set up the ‘Killara High Trading Post’. This enabled students to get rid of things they didn’t want, and to sell them to other students who were interested.
In 2000, KHS students created the first KHS Fashion show. It was called ‘Element’. As part of the event, $1000 was raised, and this money was donated to Community Aid Abroad.
In 2000, thirty-three KHS year 11 and year 10 students participated in “Atelier” – a project initiative of KHS, the P&C Association and Chroma Acrylics. The thrust of this project was to highlight talented students, and offer them a 5-day, 3-stranded workshop taught by artists and computer specialists. Twelve KHS students worked with internationally recognised artist, and the students participated in designing and painting the mural for the School Canteen. A further KHS eight students participated in a PhotoShop and video editing workshop, while another group of thirteen participated in a media and materials workshop.
In 2001, the KHS Concert Bands 1 and 2 focused on fundraising as much as possible – all contributing to their first ever overseas tour. They were preparing to travel to the North island of New Zealand in the Easter Holidays in 2002.
In 2002, the Sport Committee under the P&C Association initiated a KHS Social Tennis Club in term three with were played at the school courts every Sunday.
In 2002, the KHS Prefects supported the Starlight Foundation for the first time with fundraising through a mufti day and sausage sizzle.
In 2002, year 10 KHS students sat for a pilot exam for Computing Studies in September.
In 2003, the day swimming carnival was held at a new venue, Lane Cove Aquatic Centre for the first time.
In 2003, the KHS Prefects introduced the ‘Rent-a-Prefect’ concept, a day of entertainment as a fundraising event.
In 2003, as concern for the environment was commonly recurring, an Enviro-group began, with an Enviro-Week which included the following activities:
- A Film Fest – where the film entries created had to be based on the themes of air, water or earth
- New recycling bins were introduced and during Enviro-Week all were reminded to use them appropriately
- Tie-dying, badge selling, promotion of recycling discarded mobile phones and printer cartridges
In 2003, KHS saw the introduction of an extended Transition Program for its seven local primary schools. Activities included:
- All year 6 students and their parents were invited to visit the school. This proved so successful that some schools asked if it could be extended to their year 5 families, which occurred.
- To help other families in their decision–making about high school, parents of K-4 from one school were invited to a tour of the school
- A taste of High School was run for year 3 of Killara Primary School and year 4 at Roseville Primary School. Here, small groups of students were able to sample various areas of the school such as Science, Information Technology, Design and Technology, Creative Arts and storytelling.
- KHS’s Drama troupe entertained several primary schools.
In 2003, KHS, alongside Pennant Hills HS pioneered a learning system to examine the Middle East conflict. Students from both schools chose personalities involved in Middle East issues to simulate. The ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) at Macquarie University, who provided the Middle East Simulation website, in order for the game to begin. The game culminated in a conference at Macquarie, debating the issues in full costume dress.
In 2004, the KHS Business Society was a newly formed group which aimed to increase the awareness of students about contemporary business affairs and promote student responsibility. The aim was to organise people who had business backgrounds to come and speak to interested students about their business experiences. The inaugural meeting was held in term 4.
2004 saw the introduction of a Service Learning Program for year 10 KHS students. As part of the program, students spent a week helping as volunteers in a range of community-based organisations.
Some of the activities were:
- Assisted in classrooms and playgrounds of schools for children with special needs
- Chopped mountains of vegetables for Meals-on-Wheels
- Accompanied the elderly in wheelchairs on outings
- Organised stock for charity retail outlets
- Served food to the homeless in drop-in centres
- Provided care and entertainment to the elderly in aged-care facilities
In 2005, KHS students of Japanese entered a photo essay competition run by the Japan Forum in Tokyo. Contestants had to write a personal profile, comment on Japanese students on the Japan Forum site, and make comparisons with their own lives and attitudes. The prize was a trip to Japan for seven students. While KHS students’ entries did not win a trip to Japan, KHS was the only school in NSW to reach the finals, and six successful KHS students’ essays were uploaded onto the Japan Forum Website.
In 2006, a Head Teacher Teaching and Learning was established at KHS for the first time. This was particularly in response to the key development priority of teaching practice that fosters engagement and independence in learning, with special attention being paid to the evaluation, review and redevelopment of learning programs in years 7-10.
In 2006, year 7-10 reports no longer included a percentage mark and average for either class or course achievement, but instead students receive a Level of Achievement based on the syllabus standards of each course. The Achievement standards would be indicated by the words, Outstanding, High, Sound, Basic and Limited.
In 2006, a year 12 KHS student broke new ground when he became the first school student in NSW to sign up for a school-based traineeship with Reece, Australia’s supplier of bathroom and plumbing products. The traineeship contributed two united towards the students HSC. He would also qualify for Certificate II in Transport and Distribution by the end of the course. At the completion of the traineeship, he would have the potential to be considered for a full-time position with this company.
In the HSC exams for 2006, a female year 12 KHS student topped the state in two of her subjects – Visual Arts and Aboriginal Studies. This was the first year that Aboriginal Studies had been offered at KHS, after a group of year 11 students at KHS, including this student, lobbied KHS to have it at the school.
In 2007, the Social Justice Committee (SJC) was formed, led by a team of year 9 students. The aim of this committee was to promote awareness of issues in the school and wider community through fundraising and community involvement.
Various year groups formulated their aims for 2007, as representatives of their cohort. These were:
- Year 7: to learn more about and help animals and the environment
- Year 8: initiatives to be based on concepts of human rights and equality, including the environment, peace, social, civil and political rights
- Year 9: several activities to help the community, raise money to assist with a staff member’s child, attend a youth forum for social change and also a climate change youth conference, and Green Week in week six of term 4 – to raise awareness of global warming issues and promote more environmentally friendly school practices
- Year 10: environmental issues with the aim to continue this focus for major projects. In 2007, year 10 SJC cohort integrated waste and recycling bins into KHS’s lifestyle and a ‘turn the lights off’ campaign to support the environment and the reduction of greenhouse gases. The year 10 SJC also attended a youth forum on social change with other schools, to look at ways to bring about positive social change.
The SJC Senior Executive – part of the newly formed SJC – wanted to make a difference, and to give back to the community who had done so much for KHS.
“…Killara High students have enormous benefits that many other people do not have access to. The concept of the SJC is to make a difference and give back to the community and industry leaders and it is important that we appreciate the importance of social justice in any decisions we make.”
Some examples of the SJC non year activities in this inaugural year were:
- School aluminium can drive – proceeds went to the Bill Crews Exodus Foundation Winter Appeal
- Participate in the Legacy Day badge – badges were sold at Killara Station – $1400 was raised
- School ushers at the school musical, ‘Grease’ and guides for visiting principals to a district conference
Some examples of the senior executive representing the SJC were:
- Energy Australia Red Cross Youth Challenge Workshop – a variety of different workshops teaching various management skills for organising fundraising events and time management tactics.
- Represented KHS at the International Peace Day Ecumenical Service at St David’s Uniting Church. The service consisted of many different religions coming together, saying a short prayer and lighting a candle for world peace.
- A lecture for Refugee Week at the Australian Catholic University, from a guest speaker who had worked with UNICEF in Kashmir many other organisations.
- In 2008, two year 11 KHS male students broke new ground by signing up for a school-based apprenticeship in building and Construction. On completion in year 12, the two students will not only gain a HSC, but will have also completed one year of a four-year Building and Construction Apprenticeship.
In 2008, twelve KHS students from years 7-9 keen on cricket, gathered at Koola Oval in November for the 1st session of the KHS Cricket Academy. The rationale behind the Academy was primarily to have fun and improve cricketing skills, but also to give elite cricketers in years 7-9 exposure to the expertise of a former New Zealand Cricketer, and a parent from KHS. It also allowed the KHS male students to bond into a team at a young age, in order to increase the likelihood of a high level of performance once they are in the senior years of school and competing for the Davidson Shield. The Academy’s aim was to provide the boys with at least two ‘friendly’ matches with schools in the area before the end of 2008.
In 2009, the SJC started KHS’s own Vision Generation Group (in association with World Vision Australia) which organised or were involved in the following events:
- Held a Sydney Region Youth Forum on Fair Trade
- Helped to coordinate the 40 Hour Famine and organised a post 40 Hour Famine barbecue
- Sent SJC representatives to the World Vision National Leadership Convention
- Organised a mobile phone recycling box – where 5 kgs of old phones and batteries were made into a section of fencing for Victorian bushfire victims
In 2009, the KHS Sports Council was formed for the first time as a leadership group. The rationale for this group was to create a new student leadership group which provided students who have a passion or a keen interest in sport/physical activity or health, the opportunity to develop leadership skills. The leadership group was divided into stage groups to target activities specific to those ages.
In 2009, funded by local churches, the Killara District Christian Education Association employed a representative to teach and coordinate Protestant Scripture. A team of youth leaders had also been teaching classes in years 7-10 and assisting in presenting senior seminars.
In 2009, KHS staff were able to use the new electronic timing system at the swimming carnival at Lane Cove Pool. Some age groups had events run for the first time.
In 2009, a new program was developed called ‘The High School Challenge’. The aim of this program was to give gifted and talented students from local primary schools a chance to see what KHS has to offer these students. In August, forty gifted and talented primary schools students arrived at KHS and were then placed in groups. They were given an intensive course in Visual Arts, Musical, Science, Technology and History. In technology for example, they produced their own animation, and in history they rewrote and filmed the Hercules myths.
In 2010, KHS Prefects participated in an inaugural training and leadership day called Sydney University Dave Burnett Leadership Day.
In 2010, KHS Prefects introduced presentation cards to accompany the Prefect Badge at the Leadership assembly which tells the history of the badge and the body that is the Prefects.
In 2010, KHS ran GATS Mathematics sessions for year 6 students who would be entering KHS. Students from local primary schools were invited to KHS for problem-solving session with KHS’s Stage 4 Head Teacher.
In 2010, KHS initiated and organised teacher seminars with KHS’s local schools. The 2010 topic was Numeracy. The KHS Head Teacher of Mathematics explained how working mathematically can greatly benefit students. Resources were provided for primary teachers to use in their classrooms. The primary teachers demonstrated their interactive whiteboard resources. Whether students were gifted and talented, or struggling with basic concepts, there were a wide range of resources that the local primary teachers could provide.
In 2010, KHS promoted a student leadership program with some of the local primary schools, through a series of video conferences.
In 2011, the KHS swimming carnival saw the introduction of a ‘staff versus leadership groups’ relay. Three staff teams entered and three leadership teams swam on the day, with the prefects taking the win by a very small margin.
2012 saw the introduction of the Preliminary (year 11) Chinese Beginners course.
In 2012, a debating Gala Day was established in which our junior KHS debating team participated in a round-robin competition at Chatswood High School. The four KHS students of the year 8 KHS debating team won all their debates and also won the overall competition.
In 2012, in order to promote the integration of IEC (Intensive English Centre) students who are entering into the Australian high school system for the first time, KHS trialled a semester-based program to assist with this transition. Called the Transition of Students with English as an Additional Language (TEALS) program, students participated in a number of workshops aimed at teaching cultural literacy explicitly and providing students with tools and skills to foster active participation in school life. The program also aimed to improve mutual understanding and acceptance of differences for KHS students. Students learnt about the significant differences in educational expectations in Australia and their home countries and were introduced to a great range of extracurricular activities and leadership opportunities at KHS.
In 2013, year 12 KHS HSC students in Mathematics achieved outstanding results, highlighted by one year 12 KHS HSC student achieving 1st in the State for extension 1 Mathematics, and one KHS HSC student achieving 3rd in the State in Extension 1 Mathematics.
In 2013, the inaugural KHS Archibald Prize Exhibition was introduced where the school community were invited to vote for the People’s Choice Award for artworks by year 11 KHS students. A substantial price pack (which had been donated) was awarded to a year 11 female KHS student for her impressive photo-realist portrait.
In 2013, a new award was given to a KHS student from any year who demonstrated commitment to and excellence in their study of Visual Arts. In 2013, the prize was awarded to a year 10 KHS student.
In 2013, KHS Computing Studies developed Moodle – and online learning management system to set out the scope and sequence of activities a Computing Studies course. Moodle allowed students to access resources and submit work online.
In 2013, KHS was fortunate to be the only school in NSW to gain the services of a Chinese Teaching Assistant from the Chinese Ministry of Education. The assistant was at KHS between January and June assisting students with speaking skills and sharing cultural knowledge. KHS year 12 HSC students particularly benefitted from the input of a background speaker, in preparing for the HSC speaking skills assessment.
In 2013, two KHS Mathematics teachers investigated the potential of using Virtual Worlds in Mathematics and established a ‘Minecraft club’ that met at lunchtimes. Student worked on building a replica of the school with fully functioning lights, doors and drinking fountains.
In 2013, a new addition to the Sports Council’s annual activities was the Killara Gift. Based on the ‘Stawell Gift’, the 100 metre handicapped race allowed and encouraged competitors of different abilities to battle it out against each other. This included KHS staff in their own race, as well as the boys’ and girls’ finals. The KHS students started of at varying marks on the track according to their times at the Athletics Carnival earlier in the year.
In 2013, as part of the Peer Support program at KHS, and support from the Rotary Club at Lindfield, new activities were introduced exploring the issue of cyber bullying. These activities were aimed at equipping students with a variety of tools to manage this within the prevalence of social media in their lives.
In 2013, the KHS TEALS program – a program to promote the integration of IEC students who are entering the Australian high school system – was presented entirely by two year 11 KHS students for the first time.
In 2013, a new lunchtime group was established by a TAS staff member. Called the Textile Club, it was for students who shared an interest in textiles and design. The students made a fabric crayon rolls for the Christmas hampers for the Salvation Army. The students all indicated that they would like the focus of this group to remain on charity- based projects.
In 2014, the KHS SRC as a first initiative, completed a ‘climate audit’, where as a group, the SRC calculated KHS’s total carbon/environmental footprint. The end goal was in the long term to achieve carbon neutrality within KHS. However, the ultimate emphasis was on promoting environmental responsibility and awareness within all schools in the community to ultimately inspire change and action within the next generation of our national’s leaders.
In 2014, a new partnership was formed between the London Symphony Orchestra, the Sydney Opera House and the Arts Unit of NSW Department of Education and Communities. The partnership, called MAKE, saw two year 10 KHS Elective Music students accepted to participate with the London Symphony Orchestra.
In 2014, the Senior Design and Development (SDD) classes began to use Java as the programming language to teach the senior course. The language allows students to learn the specified requirements of the course while introducing syntax and concepts of object-oriented programming for those who may continue to tertiary studies in ICT courses. Year 12 major works were completed in a range of computer languages.
In 2014, the Computer Studies faculty organised the Game Training Roadshow event for KHS students. This was a presentation introducing the use of UNITY 3D – a game engine. Following the presentation, students were supported with ongoing challenges and resources which would be access via the Game Training Roadshow site. Students paid to attend this course.
In 2014, a new Mac Lab was set up in G Block for the CAPA faculty and the TAS faculties.
In term 1, 2014, the TAS faculty commenced using the new commercial kitchen.
In 2014, the SRC cohort (2013-2014) implemented and coordinated events to raise awareness around their core values. This included participation in the promotion of World Mental Health Day, and their advocacy of mental health was maintained throughout 2014. This promotion also coincided with their plan to increase harmony between individuals and the KHS community. During their term in office, this SRC cohort planned and initiated ‘Operation P.R.I.D.E.’. A number of activities and events were organised, including:
- In term 1, a movie night for the incoming year 7’s, which coincided with the letter ‘P’ – standing for The aim was to encourage the blossoming of new friendships and transition of students from primary school to high school with an event especially focused towards them. There was also a barbecue, where the SRC raised over $1000 for Stewart House, as well as a bompo-dompo game, fairy floss and ‘spiders’.
- Term 2 included a successful cake stall which raised oved $800 towards Beyond Blue and the Black Dog Institute. Prior to the event, the SRC prepared presentations about the prevalence of mental health issues, which also coincided with their own ‘R U OKAY’ week, also aimed at reducing the stigma attached to mental health issues.
- In Term 3, the SRC planned a teachers versus students’ series of events, which included a variety of ‘large’ games e.g. Giant Jenga, Giant Connect Four, Precision Throwing, table tennis and arm wrestling.
In 2014, KHS initiated a tutoring program for year 12 KHS students with trainee teachers as volunteer tutors. These tutors were primarily from the University of Technology (Ku-ring-gai Campus), and one from tutor from Macquarie University. For two afternoons after school in the Lion Library, volunteer tutors assisted year a number of 12 KHS students. A number of year 11 KHS students also participated when they began their year 12 studies in term 4. Tutoring subjects depended on the tutor’s availability and their speciality subjects. Overall, fifty-two KHS students requested tutoring and thirty-eight sessions were provided across the following subjects:
- English (all strands)
- Maths (all strands)
- Business Studies and Economics
- Design & Technology
In 2014, KHS finished equal first at the Zone Athletics Carnival.
In 2015, the year 12 KHS HSC English students achieved the best ever results in both HSC Standard, ESL and Advanced courses, making KHS the highest achieving English faculty in the state in a co-educational comprehensive high school.
In 2015, the KHS Sports Council (2014-2015) held a barbecue in the quadrangle for all students involved in the Zone Cross Country Carnival, in which KHS came first.
In 2015, KHS Concert Band 1, who along with Concert Band 2, competed in the Yamaha National Band Championships, were awarded first place in the censer test piece and second place overall in the Junior B Concert Band section.
In 2015, the KHS Languages faculty’s application to be paired with a sister school in Shanghai was successful. During the July school holidays, a delegation of sixteen students and four teachers from East China Model High School visited KHS. A large group of students from Chinese classes in years 8,9,10 and 12 came to KHS and participated in a range of morning activities and language immersion.
In 2015, a year 11 KHS Mathematics student was invited to take part in the Senior Competition of the Australian Mathematics Olympiad. This competition was by invitation only, and students were invited based on their outstanding performances in the Mathematics Challenge and the Australian Mathematics Competition. The year 11 KHS Mathematics student was placed equal first in Australia and was also awarded a prize.
In 2015, KHS successfully joined the new eT4L (Enhanced Teaching for Learning) program. This program allows remote management of computer desktops and the selection of licensed enterprise software by staff via a common Department of Education software catalogue.
In 2015, KHS piloted a year 8 BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) ‘hot house’ project where staff of a particular year 8 class work collaboratively to develop in-classroom skills and activities in core key learning areas.
In 2015, the KHS TAS faculty introduced a new unit of work on jewellery, covering terminology, tools and techniques for silver jewellery making.
In 2015, year 9 and 10 KHS Food Technology students entered the inaugural NS5 (North Shore 5) ‘Culinary Cook-Off’. An initiative of KHS, this involved all five high schools in the region holding a school cooking competition in order to select two teams of two students. These students subsequently came to KHS to compete against the four other schools. Students were required to develop recipes from ingredients which were not known to them until the day of the cook-off. This ‘mystery box’ concept was loosely based on the television series, Master Chef, and was sponsored by a food company and one of the winners from the television series. The sponsor donated a variety of spices for the day, the winner from one of the Master Chef series donated signed copied of her book for the 1st prize winners. Two KHS students won the competition.
In 2015, due to changes in the Stage 5 Industrial Technology Multimedia course, new assessment tasks and software enabled KHS students to be introduced to Industry Standard software and equipment.
In 2015, as part of the annual Killara Schools Partnership (KSP) with six local primary schools, several of the extension workshops were run for the first time. This included the following ‘firsts’:
- In term 1, all players of stringed instruments from schools within the KSP attended a workshop where the KHS conductor led the students through several pieces. As a result, the students as the KSP String Ensemble performed for their parents.
- In term 2, KHS hosted a strings evening for the first time. All the students of the KSP Strings Ensemble came to KHS for a barbecue and rehearsal. Each school individually performed for all the parents and principals. The evening culminated with a performance by the entire KSP Strings Ensemble.
In 2016, for the first time, all year 8 KHS students visited the Aboriginal carvings at West Head and heard stories from local Aboriginal elders about Aboriginal culture and the significance of these carvings for all Australians.
In 2016, the KHS Prefects (2015-2016) and the SRC (2015-2016) initiated a number of new environmental projects, namely, the placement of recycling bins and the construction of a vertical garden from recycled bottles. The recycling initiative was largely due to pressure from the student body to have greater accessibility to paper recycling and general waste disposal. The students wished to minimise carbon footprints and take measures to respect the environment. To generate funds for the new paper recycling bins to be installed in all classrooms, a series of fundraisers were organised, called ‘Fantastic Friday’.
In 2016, the SJC (2015-2016) initiated a United Nations Gender Equality trivia night. Teachers, students and parents gathered at the Kerrabee. The SJC obtained donated prizes for the event.
In 2016, the KHS Sports Council (2015-2016) initiated and organised the ‘House Cup’, a year-long competition where students gain points for their sports house through participation in school or Sports Council run events.
In 2016, VALID (Validation of Assessment 4 Learning and Individual Development) became mandatory for years 8 and 10. This was a diagnostic computer test that covered Stage 4 and Stage 5 Science syllabus outcomes.
In 2016, a Coding Program commenced at KHS in Term 2, where KHS students worked their way through achievement levels from 1-4 covering many topics requiring different skills. Three coding coaches provided guidance to the students, as they worked through self-paced modules. Macbook Air laptops were provided for use during the program.
In 2016, KHS ran a Table Tennis Club at lunchtimes on Wednesdays.
In 2017, the KHS Prefects (2016-2017) introduced the first Club O-Day in order to showcase the school activities clubs and councils at KHS.
In 2017, the KHS SJC (2016-2017) initiated the visit to KHS of the 100% HOPE choir and dance group from Uganda. A concert was held, and a various primary and secondary schools attended and performed. The aim was to build a residential building where girls of a school in Uganda would be able to live in safety. A cake stall and barbecue were held to raise funds for this cause.
In 2017, as part of the new Australian curriculum for year 7 HSIE students, year 7 KHS HSIE students learnt about landscape and landforms. They also travelled to Wentworth Falls in the Blue Mountains, to investigate the surrounding environment and learn about Australian flora and fauna.
In 2017, all KHS year 7 students commenced using their own laptop as part of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. KHS also used Cloud Computing for communications, collaboration and opportunities to develop critical and creative thinking skills.The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) learning hub website was also introduced to provide training and support for the KHS community. The learning hub provided a range of programs, videos, information and ways to leverage technology.
In 2017, with the help of the KHS Sports Council, ‘time gates’ were used at the KHS school carnival.
In 2018, the SRC (2017-2018) initiated a fundraising event to supply the school canteen with a year’s supply of biodegradable cutlery and containers.
In 2018, a new unit of study was trialled in year 8 English, where teachers from the English faculty collaborated with the PDHPE staff. This unit involved the students running around in the playground while being plugged into MP3 recordings of stylised narratives to bring the speculative fiction genre – specifically the convention of the ‘disrupted world’ – to life.
In 2018, a new STEM club for junior students, was started by two KHS Science teachers.
In 2018, due to the large enrolments in year 7, KHS created a 3rd Concert Band.
In 2018, KHS two School Aerobics groups were created. The junior team consisted of students from year 8, and a senior team with students from years 10 and 11. Both teams had been selected at the end of 2017, after auditions. The two teams worked hard for five months leading up to their first competition, held at Brigidine College. Both KHS teams were successful in progressing in the State Finals in Sutherland. The senior team were placed 4th in the state in their division. The junior team progressed on to the Nationals in Queensland where they were placed 1stc