A school should not be judged by how it treats its highest achieving students, but by how it treats and supports all students, especially its most vulnerable ones.
This is Killara’s vision for learning support.
Staff, students, and the wider school community work toward ensuring equitable access to all educational activities. Killara High School strives to employ the principles of Universal Design for Learning in all teaching and learning opportunities and assessments.
Learning Support is provided in such a way that follows the Response to Intervention model. The Response to Intervention model is based on the premise that learning support is provided early, monitored systematically, and adjusted intentionally to respond to the individual learner’s needs.
Learning Support offers a range of options to support student development including:
- development of Student Learning and Support Plans that offer teachers and students strategies to support their learning
- professional development for staff
- School Learning and Support Officer in class support
- small group withdrawal programs in the areas of literacy, numeracy, social and emotional learning, sexuality education, and behaviour support
- provision of occupational therapy equipment
- targeted workshops
- exam provisions (including Naplan and the HSC)
The Learning Support Faculty is comprised of:
- Learning and Support Teacher
- 10 School Learning and Support Officers (all part-time)
- Ms Elizabeth Casey (Head Teacher Personalised Learning)
Please contact the school directly to discuss your child’s learning and support needs.
For all NESA Examination (NAPLAN, Minimum Standards Tests and HSC applications) related disability provisions please contact Elizabeth Casey.