Killara High School

Unleash Potential. Change the World.

Telephone02 9498 3722

Killara Academy

Course Description

Killara Academy is our unique university preparation program. It is an extra-curricular enrichment program focusing on scholastic excellence, consolidating practical life skills and providing opportunities for university preparation, within a context that explicitly promotes a growth mindset.

Killara Academy operates before school from 7:40am – 8:40am with Mr Chand in our school Kerrabee Theatre. Killara Academy provides a learning experience where students work alongside amazing professionals and are introduced to a range of careers. Students will complete a range of experiential activities where participation is important. Our primary aim is to unleash the potential in all students, and to open their minds up to the endless possibilities for their future, and to give students a strong foundation for life beyond high school. Students will experience excursions, attend lectures at Killara High School, have multiple hands-on experiences, complete volunteer work and a develop deeper understanding about life beyond school. No other school offers this program. I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.

Here is a link to a media article by the New South Wales Department of Education celebrating our Killara Academy program. The article is titled Killara Academy' awards micro credentials at school. Students at Killara High are getting a taste of university study while still at school.

Years 7 through to 10. 

A parent information session will take place early in Term 1, and the enrolment process will be outlined at this time. Students and families will receive information about this date when it is scheduled. 

This program is not offered by any other school. Killara Academy aims to prepare students for life beyond our school gates. Killara High School is collaborating with several organisations and leading professionals to offer this unique program to our students. We are collaborating with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Royal Australasian College of General Practitioners, Google Sydney HQ, professional organisations, Macquarie University, The Italian Bowl in Newtown, Tesla, Our Big Kitchen charity in Bondi, Australian Taxation Office, University of New South Wales, The University of Technology Sydney and a hands-on car maintenance education provider Galmatic. This is a unique opportunity to meet and interact with professionals from different careers. This is also an opportunity to engage in new and different learning experiences. 

Killara Academy is a middle school extra-curricular enrichment program created by Killara High School that aims to prepare our students for university study, future career pathways, and to be independent citizens of the world. This program is open to all students in Years 7-10.

This is a unique enrichment program for students who wish to develop their skills in a range of disciplines.

Killara Academy has six modules.

Module 1. Professionals showcasing growth mindset determination and various career pathways. This module provides students with an interactive and insightful experience with professionals across a variety of careers. It is our hope that students will be inspired by professionals from various careers who have shown a growth mindset throughout their professional journey. The aim of this module is not to persuade students to follow a particular career pathway, rather it is hoped to showcase the unique pathways undertaken by different professionals, and the capabilities and dispositions required to undertake various work in a range of disciplines. Over the coming years, we will endeavour to showcase a variety of careers. Our guests will present what they do for work, and they will share their professional journey. Topics such as workplace etiquette, communication skills, interpersonal skills and patterns of study will be explored.

Module 2. University preparation. Students will undertake a UNSW campus immersion experience that will aim to orientate students with the university learning experience. Students will learn about studying at university and the programs of study on offer. Students will visit different learning spaces at UNSW and learn about university study options.

Module 3. Life skills: applying for a job, preparing for a job interview, gratitude, giving back, community service, financial literacy, buying a home in NSW, saving money, first job checklist, bank accounts, tips for writing your first resume, check your pay, and looking at the world from a different perspective. Students will attend an excursion where they will work as a team to cook hot meals for a charity. This food will be given to the homeless and those in care services. Students will learn about the importance of giving back to the community by working with the charity Our Big Kitchen and learn about homelessness in Sydney. 

Students will attend a hands-on car maintenance education session with Galmatic at Killara High School.

Module 4. Student volunteer work – giving back and reflecting upon the benefits of gratitude. Helping others can result in improvements to your own wellbeing, and it also opens our mind to different perspectives. Students will need to demonstrate a minimum two hours of volunteer work outside of school. The only requirement is that the volunteer work is conducted under the supervision of a parent or guardian, does not involve risk related work, no use of machines, and that it is safe. This can involve helping an organisation, helping a neighbour or anything else that involves helping others. Students will need to take a photo and answer the questions below. This is about making an impact – no matter how big or small. The research surrounding the positive impact of gratitude and volunteer work is significant. Upload a short Google Slide presentation of no more than 4 slides to our Google Classroom. Answer the following questions: Q1. Describe your volunteer work – date, time, actions & objectives. Q2. Describe how your volunteer work has impacted you and others. Include photos. 

Module 5. How do I start and run a business? We are partnering with a highly successful restaurant business located in Newtown, The Italian Bowl. Students will learn about the skills required to start and run a business. This includes human resource management, entrepreneurial mindsets, financial management, marketing using various media and adapting business operations to align with COVID requirements. Students will learn about the role of Uber Eats in a business context, and the many things that a business owner must consider to run an amazing business. We thank the team at The Italian Bowl for welcoming our students. Their support makes a significant impact on the success of Killara Academy. 

Module 6. The future. Electric powered vehicles and the amazing world of Tesla. A team from Tesla will provide an educational experience to equip our young people with knowledge about their vehicles and vision. The team will share information about their inspiring work. 


Explicit teaching is the pedagogical framework with engaging and interactive lecture-style learning experiences. Students will mainly attend lectures in the school theatre. Students need to arrive on time and attend all learning experiences. Absences need to be explained with a parent note.

The program will run mostly on Tuesday mornings from 7:40am – 8:40am in the Kerrabee Theatre at Killara High School. There will be some sessions that will run during the afternoon and weekends. 

Students will need to complete all required Killara Academy coursework and attend all learning sessions. If a student is unable to attend, a letter will need to be provided by parents. Students who attend all learning sessions including the incursion and excursions will qualify for the Killara Academy Principal’s Award.

  • Students will answer questions and write lecture notes. This is like the university style lecture experience of learning.
  • Complete volunteer work (min. 2 hours) with a written reflection
  • Work as part of a team and prepare food at Our Big Kitchen
  • Participate in the UNSW campus immersion experience
  • Complete learning activity at The Italian Bowl, Newtown
  • Complete learning activity at the Tesla showcase incursion
  • Answer questions during each guest lecture experience
  • Attend Google virtual excursion

Parents will assist by providing transport to our three planned excursions. These excursions will be to The Italian Bowl in Newtown, UNSW Kensington campus and to Our Big Kitchen in Bondi. Parents can also support students in arriving at school at 7:40am for our learning sessions. There will be incursion costs associated with the Galmatic car maintenance session, Our Big Kitchen excursion and The Italian Bowl excursion.