Killara High School

Unleash Potential. Change the World.

Telephone02 9498 3722

Year 7 & 8 Dance


On Thursday 11th April, a Year 7 and Year 8 dance will be held in the Kerrabee Hall. All proceeds from ticket sales will be used to purchase building materials and educational resources for a community school in Vietnam and a school for orphans and ‘street kids' in Cambodia. A group of year 11 students will be working on this worthwhile project during their trip for Senior Geography, Studies of Religion and Society and Culture. Your child's attendance at this event will help us in reaching our target of $5500.

Please note that ONLY Year 7 and Year 8 Killara High School students will be permitted at the dance. No students from other years or students from other schools will be permitted at the event.

Cost: The cost will be $5 which will be payable at the school office. Soft drinks and food will be sold on the night with all proceeds going towards the community aid project.

Time: Thursday evening the 11th of April from 5:30 – 8:30pm. Parents are urged to arrange pick up of their children between 8:30 and 8:45pm at the Kerrabee Hall.

Supervision: Ms Newell, Ms Kroie, Ms Powell, Mr Simpson and Mr Petkoski and other teachers will be attending the evening to supervise the students. The tour group of Year 11 students will also be in attendance to assist with running the event.

RSVP: Please see the reply slip Yr 7&8 Dance Permission (pdf 54 KB) and have your child return it to the school office with payment before Friday 5th April.